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APM Library: New Αcquisitions 2015

New Αcquisitions of the APM Library

In 2015 the APM Library was enriched with following acquisitions:

  1. Books (31 vol)
  2. Primary journals (168 vol)
  3. Secondary journals (33 vol)
  4. Scientific calculators (2 pc)

From the library of Maro Koliopoulou

Secondary Journals (33 vol)
  1. National Geographic, Sep 2000 – May 2003 (31 vol. in total)
  2. National Geographic, Collectible Issues for the years 2000, 2002 (2 vol. in total)

APM Library    APM Library

From the library of Prof. Ilias Kotsireas

Books (3 vol)
  1. Ilias Kotsireas, Eugene Zima (ed.), Advances in Combinatorics, Springer 2013
  2. Roderick Melnik, Ilias Kotsireas (ed.), Advances in Applied Mathematics, Modeling, and Computational Science, Fields Institute Communications 66, Springer, 2013
  3. Ilias Kotsireas, Roderick Melnik, Brian West (ed.), Advances in Mathematical and Computational Methods: Addressing Modern Challenges of Science, Technology, and Society (Watrloo Canada 25-29 July 2011), AIP Conference Proceedings 1368, 2011

d23418d6036b31862ad5f7d49a843fe3    101708-004-B711CF23    512M9CUZnJL._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_

From the library of Prof. Ioannis Haranas

Books (5 vol)
  1. J. Reitz, F. Milford, R. Christy, Foundations of Electromagnetic Theory, 3rd. ed., Addison-Wesley, 1980
  2. S. Chandrasekhar, Plasma Physics, University of Chigaco Press, 1961
  3. H. Goldstein, Classical Mechanics, Addison-Wesley, 1956
  4. M. Kasha, The Ionosphere and its Interaction with Satellites, Gordon and Breach, 1969
  5. E. Leimanis, N. Minorsky, Dynamics and Nonlinear Mechanics (I. Recent Advances in the Dynamics of Rigit Bodies and Celestial Mechanics, II. The Theory of Oscillations), John Wiley, 1958
Primary Journals (11 vol)
  1. Progress in Physics, publ. by Dmitri Rabounski, vol. 4/1 (2 copies), 3, 4 (2 copies), vol. 5/2 (3 copies), vol. 6/2 (3 copies) (11 volumes in total)

progress-in-physics-02-2007    5709762._UY200_    1189789

From the library of Dr. Kostas Karamanos

Books (8 vol)
  1. Ilias Kotsireas, Eugene Zima (ed.), Advances in Combinatorial Mathematics, Springer, 2009
  2. Ilias Kotsireas, Eugene Zima (ed.), Computer Algebra, Latest Advances in Symbolic Algorithms (Watorloo), World Scientific, 2006
  3. G. Akrivis, E. Gallopoulos, A. Hadjidimos, I. S. Kotsireas, D. Noutsos, M. N. Vrahatis, NumAn 2008, Book of Proceedings (Conference in Numerical Analysis), Kalamata 2008
  4. International Federation of Nonlinear Analysts (IFNA), 6th World Gongress Greece 2012, IFNA 2012
  5. C. Kynigos, J. Clayson, N. Yiannoutsou, Constructionism Athens 2012 (Conference Proceedings), The Educational Technology Lab (NKUoA) 2012
  6. David Ruelle, The Mathematician’s Brain, Princeton University Press, 2007
  7. Robert Goldblatt, Topoi, the Categorical Analysis of Logic, Dover Publications (2006), (First published by Elsevier 1984)
  8. Α. Αϊνστάιν, Οι Διαλέξεις του Πρίνστον, Εκδόσεις Κοροντζή (ca. 1960)

41rrf2If79L._SX314_BO1,204,203,200_    9783642035616    e01294cd45849af97f58f54d08dbdefa-d     poster     51CHI7AGmDL._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_       Kostas Karamanos donation    Kostas Karamanos donation   

From the library of Kyriakos Kefalas

Books (15 vol)
  1. A. E. Roy & D. Clarke, Astronomy, Principles and Practice, 2nd ed., Adam Hilger Ltd, Bristol 1982
  2. Εγκυκλοπαίδεια Μαθηματικών, τομ. Α’ – Ε’, Παγουλάτος, Αθήνα 1974
  3. Σ. Παπανικολάου & Δ. Λεονταρίτης, Στοιχεία Μηχανικής και Φυσικής, τομ. Α’, Παρασκευάς Λεώνης, Αθήνα 1933
  4. Π. Πούντζας, Αλγεβρικός Υπολογισμός, 2η εκδ., Τούλας – Μαυράκος, Πάτρα 1948
  5. Π. Πούντζας, Αριθμητικός Υπολογισμός, 1η εκδ., Τούλας – Μαυράκος, Πάτρα 1949
  6. Ν. Καρπούζης, Ασκήσεις Λελυμέναι, ca. 1920?
  7. Δ. Δασκαλόπουλος, Ανώτερα Μαθηματικά, τομ. Β’, 2η εκδ., Ευρώπη, Αθήνα 1957
  8. Δ. Δασκαλόπουλος, Τυπολόγιον Ανωτέρων Μαθηματικών, Ευρώπη, Αθήνα 1958
  9. Ν. Νικολάου, Ασκήσεις Γεωμετρίας, 4η εκδ., Δ. Τζάκα – Σ. Δελαγραμμάτικα, Αθήνα 1952
  10. Η. Πατρικιάδη, Πίνακες Λογαρίθμων, Ν. & Σ. Ι. Ρώσση ΟΕ, Αθήνα ca. 1970?
Primary Journals (157 vol)
  1.  Astronomy & Astrophysics, A European Journal, EDP Sciences, vol. 40/1 – 71/3, Apr 1975 – Jan 1979, (83 vol. in total)
  2.  Journal of Physics A, Mathematical and General, Institute of Physics Publishing, vol. 34, No. 1-50, 2001, (50 vol. in total)
  3.  Classical and Quantum Gravity, Institute of Physics Publishing, vol. 18, Nr. 1-24, 2001, (24 vol. in total)
Scientific Calculators (2)
  1. Hewlett Packard, HP 48SX, Scientific Calculator together with manuals (2 vol.) and cover, 1990
  2. Hewlett Packard, HP 67, Scientific Calculator together with manuals (2 vol.) and cover, 1976

APM Library - algevrikos-ypologismos.full node    APM Library    cover    p15618    Donated by Kyriakos Kefalas    p15152    208x300_p19430    673q    19323758     67    48sx3qs    627869896_o

We kindly thank our donators for their support to the growing APM Library.


Created : 10 Dec 2015

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