- Manousos, E. (2011). “The Theory of Selfvariations”, Hellenic Physical Society Publications, Athens 2011, ISBN 978-960-9457-06-4
Artikel in primären referierten Fachzeitschriften
- Manousos, E. (2014). The replacement of the potentials as a consequence of the limitations set by the law of selfvariations on the rhysical laws. IJEIT, 3 (10): 181-185
- Manousos, E. (2014). The numerical values of the fundamental parameters of the model of selfvariations and the age of the universe. Phys. Int., 5: 8-14.
- Manousos, E. (2013). On the absence of antimatter from the universe, dark matter, the fine structure parameter, the fluctuations of the cosmic microvave background radiation and the temperature difference between the northern and southern hemisphere of the universe. Physics International 4.2 : 120-134. DOI : 10.3844/pisp.2013.120.134
- Manousos, E. (2013). Cosmological data could have a microscopic, not macroscopic, cause. American Journal of Space Science 1 :10-21. DOI : 10.3844/ajssp.2013.9.21
- Manousos, E. (2013). Mass and Charge Selfvariation: A Common Underlying Cause for Quantum Phenomena and Cosmological Data. Progress in Physics : 9(3), 73-141
- Manousos, E. (2013). The Cause of the Increased Luminosity Distances of Supernovae Recorded in the Cosmological Data. Progress in Physics :9(3), 15-16
- Manousos, E. (2007). The theory of self-variations. A continuous slight increase of the charges and the rest masses of the particles can explain the cosmological data. Nuovo Cimento B, 2007, 359–388. DOI: 10.1393/ncb/i2006-10159-9