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Theory of Selfvariations

Cosmological redshift of distant astronomical objects (E. Manousos)

High redshift galaxies (Hubble Space Telescop)

Cosmological redshift of distant astronomical objects as a result of a fundamental principle of nature. Each atom emits or absorbs photons with strictly defined wavelengths. The detection of one of these wavelengths from the line spectrum, as it is called,  is the signature of the atom which emits or absorbs the photons. The study of the line spectrum of astronomical…( gr 13 pix )

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Theory of Selfvariations (TSV) (Emmanuil Manousos)

The Theory of Selfvariations (TSV) is a physical theory originated by the Greek mathematician Emmanuil Manousos in 2007. It relies on the assumption of a continuous slight increase of the rest mass and electric charge of material particles called the selfvariations. The selfvariations are strictly defined by the law of the selfvariations and are consistent with the fundamental principles of physics.


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